Friday, 24 April 2009

One step forward - and 10 backwards :-(

The plan:
  1. Put exhaust on
  2. Put front pulley on
  3. Put radiator on
  4. drive and enjoy the 20+ celsius weather this weekend

  1. Put exhaust on
  2. By accicdent drop a nut down into the exhaust - I fear the unlikely event that it will be drawn into engine by bacjpressure
  3. Take exhaust of
  4. Remove nut
  5. Refit exhaust
  6. Put frontpulley on
  7. Try to tighten nut to 150 lb/ft, engine turn, hhmm now what
  8. Put car in gear and slam the brakes
  9. Find out that something is very wrong with the clutch
  10. Diagnose shows that idiot me has NOT managed to get the clutch actuator pin into the slavecylinder
  11. Cry for 10 minutes
  12. Undo all bolts round bellhousing
  13. pull gearbox back - realise that this does not offer enough room to get pin out
  14. Exhaust and prop must come of
  15. call it the night - i give up
Off course batteries on camera are flat. well just enough power to get lens ut - but not in again

Lets realise - I will not enjoy a drive next sunday - it will be well into may before I get all this sorted.


Maskulinisten said...

Beklager Nikolaj, men dit seneste indlæg fik mig til at klukke af grin :o) Det kunne have været en aften i min garage..

Nikolaj said...

Jeps. Det er sjovere nu 24 timer efter. Men i går aftes var jeg meget tæt på at slå bilen sønder med et dækjern. Det var sådan en aften hvor ALT gik galt. Var ellers meningen at jeg skulle have været ud at køre søndag.