Friday, 12 January 2007

We're back - and working the Spit

Finally I got time to go to the garage. Had a minor fight with the doors trying to get all the stuff inside them lined up. Pretty simple - if you pick the right bits of the shelfes first time!

Got around to fitting the last of the extra instrument - an oil temp-meter. Now all three is nice tugged away in the bracket. From left: amps, oilpressure, oiltemp. The bracket is a Lucas bracket I have picked up sometime in the past. Came with a nice little bag with bolts and nuts. I had to modify the bracket slightly to get it in line with the other instruments.

My engine man called me today - the engine is close to finished now. Had had a little trouble trying to get the oiltemp sensor fitted to the sump. Hope to have my engine running within a month.

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